Archive for the free stories Category

Giving it away

Posted in free stories with tags on 05/29/2011 by vincentstark

I’m always pushing my books on this site, sometimes sneaking in the odd mention in the middle of an article, more often going all in-yer-face with, “hey, buy this book.” And even, on times, resorting to begging – oh please, please buy this book…

 The young me

But I thought I’d do something different and push my fiction that is available for FREE online – You’ll find links to it all in the right hand sidebar. There are two Jack Martin westerns out there, A Man Called Masters and The Devil’s Right Hand. And there’s also a mish mash of stuff written as Gary Dobbs – from the urban hardboiled crime of  Loose Ends, Rhondda Lives, Rhondda Lovebite and The Man with the Sun in his Eyes. To the horror of Cissie’s Heebie Jeebies and the bizarre something of, The Way to a Man’s Heart , Happiness is a Warm Gun and 614

And so there we are, some shameless plugging for free stuff – course that does allow me to say, if you like any of these stories then how about buying…… CENSORED